I am a disciple

You may be known all over the world or even have great riches but never allow that to define your identity. Dear Christian, your identity is in Christ Jesus. Knowing who you are in Christ is not selfish, it is not boasting and it si neither pride. Knowing your identity in Christ is the confidence to stay focused on Christ -Hebrews 12:2 and to tell others about HIM. It makes you want to bring others on board so they can also enjoy a new identity in Christ.   

So, if you ask me who I am in Christ? My answer is simple: I am everything  God says that I am in His word. My identity in Christ helps me to reorient my priorities, purposes, and passions.

I am not just a child of God, I am a disciple of Christ.  A disciple is a follower and a learner, adhering to the teachings of the one they follow. Applied to Jesus Christ, a disciple is someone who follows and learns from the teachings of the Messiah- Luke 6:40. In John 8:31, Jesus told the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.”

Some Pharisees were bold to announce that they were the disciples of Moses in John 9:28. I will therefore not hide my identity   I am not a disciple of Moses. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  In John 12:26, Jesus says “Anyone who serves Him must follow Him.“ We are to follow Jesus Christ and not just anybody.

I understand what is expected of a disciple in  Matthew 28:18-20. I can go into all nations and make disciples by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ because I have been equipped in all dimensions- I have freedom in Christ-Galatians 5:1, I have been delivered from the power of darkness into the kingdom of Christ – Colossians 1:13, so, I am not under any curse or bondage. I have also been made righteous in Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:30 and I have been given the power to speak about Christ -Acts 1:8.

I want you to own your identity in Christ.

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