I know who I am in Christ

Dear reader, you’ve been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ- Ephesians 2:8-9. Hallelujah! My question is: do you know who you are in Christ? Your identity is important, and you should not take it for granted. There is enormous comfort and security when we have the knowledge and an understanding of our identity in Christ.


You are a new creation in Christ—2 Corinthians 5:17. This means you begin a fresh, clean page of your life in Christ. Knowing your identity helps you stand firm in every situation, good or bad, sweet or sour. We can enjoy our new life in Christ uninterrupted. It gives us the confidence to live in God’s will and to act in faith accordingly. Knowing your identity spares you the headache of being a crowd follower and a people-pleaser.

As Christians, we are not just followers of Christ. We are in fellowship with Christ.  Our identity is in Christ. The word of God says we are joined in one spirit with Christ- 1 Corinthians 6:17, 1 John 2:15. In Him,  we are complete -Colossians 2:10, reconciled to God- 2 Corinthians 5:18, children of God- John 1:12, and many more.

Because Jesus knows who He is, we must also know who we are in Him. Staying ignorant will deny you the rights and privileges you have in Christ. You become susceptible to deception and false doctrines.

One day, Jesus had a conversation with His disciples about identity because of its relevance (Matthew 13).

He asked, “Who do people say that I am?”  The second question was more specific: “Who do you say I am ?”

Jesus did not ask these questions because He had identity issues. Never! His identity is unquestionable. He is the beloved son of the living God. Satan and his demons know that, too. Scripture records that demons cried, “ You are the son of God” when they saw Jesus -Luke 4:41. Despite the knowledge, satan will still put the identity of Jesus to the test – Luke 4:1-13. Note that satan began two of the three temptations with the words, “If thou be the Son of God.” But  Jesus would show through the scriptures that He did not need to perform, He did not need to be popular, and did not need to possess all the riches of the kingdom of this world to prove his identity. Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that is it.

Dear Christian, knowing your true identity in Christ is one of the greatest defenses against temptation. It is your best weapon against agents whose activities are mainly directed at making you doubt who you are.

So, let’s stay informed about our identity in Christ through this new series titled  “ I know who I am in Christ Jesus.” Through the word of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will affirm our identity in Christ Jesus as we enjoy our lives in Him and walk in that truth.  

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