Vision 2020 is an ongoing campaign that seeks to distribute one million-plus bible to people all over the world who (urgently) need Bibles.

Founded on the “Great Commission” in Matthew 28: 19 & 20, Patrick Quainoo Global Ministries, PQGM, believes that when we make disciples for the Lord, they must own their Bibles and be able to read and study the word of God on their own.

The campaign will go beyond 2020 as we aim to give out freely, more than one million Bibles globally. So far, Bibles have been sent to Pakistan, India, Ghana, Tanzania, and Morocco with many more to be sent to other countries.

Accessing a Bible online or having a Bible App on your phone or tablet is not as reliable as holding a physical Bible in your hands. We, therefore, encourage you to consider becoming a Partner in this campaign. Yes, you! Your love donation of any amount can put a Bible in the hands of one million people. Come and let us share the Gospel together!

You can send your love donation through CashApp or Zelle to +1-914-572-9816 or use PayPal by clicking on the Donate Button on our website.

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